Dr. Genee S. Smith is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Genee’s research examines the impact of race and class on neighborhood-level environmental exposures and subsequent health disparities, using large national datasets. Exploring the synergistic effects of inequities in the built, natural, and social environment, Genee conducts community-based participatory research to address local environmental concerns. Combining her training in environmental health, exposure assessment, and spatial analysis, Genee promotes climate and environmental justice to alleviate place-based health disparities. Part of Genee’s research focuses on understanding the disproportionate burden of a changing climate on vulnerable populations and the impacts of neighborhood-level environmental exposures—including degraded infrastructure, unfair development, and chemical pollutants—on health disparities. Genee received her PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Genee served on SESYNC’s Scientific Review Committee.
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