Businesses and Biodiversity

Full Title

How will businesses speak biodiversity: Novel and adaptive uses for ecosystem services


The increasing movement of corporations towards social and ecological responsibility suggests that the business world may lead a profound change in how we view our dependence upon natural capital: Corporations are increasingly focused on ecosystem services issues; demand for broader corporate impact measurement and disclosure related to ecosystem services parameters is growing; and several new initiatives have launched to further understanding of corporate impacts on ecosystem services. A barrier to this movement, however, is the lack of tools that make ecosystem services data—and the science behind them—relevant and accessible to strategic business planners. This Pursuit will explore new ways to integrate relevant data and tools into business applications related to ecological responsibility.

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Sally Duncan, Oregon State University
Steve Elliot, University of Sydney
Josiane Bonneau, Wildlife Habitat Council
Becky Chaplin-Kramer, Stanford University
Amanda De Santis, Motionry
Robert Fiegener, Oregon State University
Gladwin Chakravarthy Joseph, Azim Premji University
Kevin Halsey, EcoMetrix Solutions
Linda Hwang, EcoMetrix Solutions
Gladwin Joseph, Ashoka Trust for Ecology and Economics
Mary Klein, NatureServe
Jen Molnar, Nature Conservancy
Joe Starinchak, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Sara Vickerman-Gage, Defenders of Wildlife
Monika Winn, University of Victoria
Faye Yoshihara, Forest Fractal
Guy Ziv, University of Leeds