The Limits of Environmental Governance

Full Title

The limits of environmental governance


Bringing together colleagues from both academia and the world of practice, participants in this synthesis project will develop a more acute and systematic understanding of the promise and limits of environmental governance in relation to the long-term sustainability of social-ecological/socio-environmental systems. Their primary focus will be on how disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge (from the social as well as ecological sciences, in addition to the fields of political ecology, common property, and feminist environmentalism) can inform those interested in averting local and non-local social-ecological/socio-environmental collapse.

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Arun Agrawal, IFRI, University of Michigan
Kerry Waylen, The James Hutton Institute
Meriem Bouamrane, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Kathleen Buckingham, World Resources Institute
Rosie Cooney, University of New South Wales
Beatrice Crona, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Maria Fernandez-Gimenez, Colorado State University
Louise Glew, WWF
Donald Nelson, University of Georgia
Peter Newton

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