Urban Nature Latin America

Full Title

Workshop on the potential of urban nature to support sustainability in Latin America: A synthesis from a socio-environmental perspective


This workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from Latin America to synthesize the potential of urban nature to support the sustainability of Latin-American cities. We propose to use urban forests and trees as a thematic focus to understanding current trends, challenges and opportunities related to urban nature and sustainability. At this workshop, participants will develop joint databases, analyse this database to provide an empirical base for a synthesis of research and practice. The databases will bring together existing datasets on urban forest structure and function, urban sustainability indicators, and social data on the perceptions and priorities of planning and management of urban forest stakeholders. These databases will be analysed to understand the structure, function, and interaction of urban forests and social systems. A socio-environmental model will be developed to explain the observed patterns and associations. We will then generate outputs on the potential of urban nature for supporting sustainability in Latin America from a socio-environmental perspective. 

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Camilo Ordóñez-Barona, University of Melbourne
Tahia Devisscher, University of British Columbia
José Soto, University of Arizona
Mariana Baptista, RMIT University
Hector Benavides Meza, INIFAP
Daniela Biondi, Universidade Federal do Parana
Lindsay Campbell, USDA Forest Service
Elena Craig, Universidad Nacional de Lujan
Cynnamon Dobbs, Universidad Mayor de Chile
Francisco Escobedo, Universidad del Rosario
Demostenees Ferreira da Silva Filho, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Ricardo Garcia, Jardin Botanico Nacional
Emanuelle Gianotti, Sistema de Infrastrutura Verde
Henry Mayer, University of Florida
Elvia Meléndez-Ackerman
Nuria Monica Navarro, University of British Columbia
Luis Alberto Orozco Aguilar, University of Melbourne
Rachel Sheridan, ISA
Nail Sylvie, Universite de Nantes
German Tovar Corzo, DAMA
Alexis Vasquez, Universidad de Chile