Discover Socio-Environmental Methods
Discover Socio-Environmental Methods
Resources for self-learning or teaching associated with specific approaches for understanding and modeling socio-environmental systems
555 Results For: Discover Socio-Environmental Methods
Managing for Multiple Ecosystem Services in an Agricultural Landscape in Quebec
Elena Bennett
Governance and Socio-Ecological Networks
How the DPSIR framework can be used for structuring problems and facilitating empirical research in coastal systems
Article published in Environmental Science & Policy
From channelization to restoration: Sociohydrologic modeling with changing community preferences in the Kissimmee River Basin, Florida
Article published in Water Resources Research
“If you study, the last thing you want to be is working under the sun:” An analysis of perceptions of agricultural education and occupations in four countries
Article published in Agriculture and Human Values
Meta-studies in land use science: Current coverage and prospects
Article published in Ambio
Immersion Distinguished Scholar Workshop: Sociology
Species Recovery in the United States: Increasing the Effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act
A framework for quantifying the magnitude and variability of community responses to global change drivers
Article published in Ecosphere