Evidence of Global Warming in Virginia and Its Effect on the Five Regions


When compared to the rest of the United States, Virginia is considered to have a mild climate. The climate is variable due to the topographic differences and influence of the Atlantic Ocean. There are complex coastlines, mountain ranges and valleys that affect heat and precipitation. The Marsh/wetland/coastal areas, Agricultural areas, Inland areas, Island areas and Mountain regions are some of the most vulnerable parts of our ecosystem. Virginia is behind in its development of climate-related regulations. Although big corporations play a major role in promoting global warming, this study will focus on the small-scale impact of human-induced factors. The case is designed for an undergraduate general education course. This case study will focus on answering the following questions: 

  • Why is the CO2 level of the atmosphere increasing? 
  • Can your individual yearly CO2 contribution be reduced, minimizing our carbon footprint? 
  • If yes, how do you propose to do this? 

Read the case study below and write a case study analysis describing your mitigation and adaptation proposal. See the attachment for Guidelines and Labs. You are to select a city from the list provided that geographically covers the remaining four topographic regions. You are also required to either complete short lab experiments or do research to find the documentation to support the feasibility of your proposed solution. Your Primary goal is to obtain a better understanding of the effects climate change and offer a viable practical solution. 

Darlette Meekins