Fundamentals of Socio-Environmental Systems & Research
Fundamentals of Socio-Environmental Systems & Research
91 Results For: Fundamentals of Socio-Environmental Systems & Research
Ways of Knowing: The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge for Natural Resource Management
Teaching socio-environmental synthesis with the case studies approach
Article published in Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
His Lips Drink Water But His Heart Drinks Wine: Groundwater Availability, Access, and Governance in the Guadalupe Valley, Mexico
Using System Maps to Analyze Complex Social-Environmental Issues: A Case Study of Geoduck Aquaculture in the Puget Sound
Risk Perception and Institutional Complexity in the 2014 West Virginia Chemical Spill
Designing an Urban Green Infrastructure Network: Balancing Biodiversity and Stakeholder Needs
Cowboys and Aliens: Cheatgrass Invasion in Wyoming
Civic Ecology & Resilience
Marianne Krasny
Keith Tidball
Elephants, Poachers, and Ecotourism
Human Decisions & Ecosystem Services
Maja Schlüter
Marco Janssen