Dr. Yoon Ah Shin is an interdisciplinary public policy researcher whose research integrates social and environmental perspectives to evaluate dynamic interactions between social and environmental systems. Based on the holistic view of a social-environmental coupled system, her focus is on designing and developing policies to mitigate climate change risk, which would ultimately result in collective action mobilized by political and industrial leaderships and citizens. During her postdoctoral research fellowship at SESYNC, she developed a system dynamics model demonstrating interactions amongst environmental and social factors and examining how these interactions affect political leadership’s intention to enact climate mitigation policy. She also led research examining the interdisciplinary research performances and progresses in the field of social-environmental coupled system for the last 20 years. Yoon Ah completed her PhD program at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. She received New Carbon Economy Consortium’s Social Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation through the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University. As a postdoctoral fellow, she will continue to develop system dynamics models to create a new carbon governance at Arizona State University for the next two years.
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